1. Love for God: Living the Christian life in a
personal love relationship with God. (1 Jn
4:10, Dt 6:5)
The counter to this is to live the Christian life as if it were a bunch of rules and regulations to follow. Christianity isn’t a religion as much as it is a relationship. We do not want your Christian lives to become dry and stale, we pray that each HBF member grow to meet Jesus personally through Bible study and have a living and dynamic relationship with Him. This relationship is driven by knowing the love of God. It is about living our lives, every aspect of our lives, in worship to the only One that deserves it.
2. Wisdom: Cultivating right thinking and interpretation of the Bible to evaluate the world from God’s viewpoint. (Pr 9:10, 1 Pe 3:15)
What is a worldview? Basically, a worldview is a perspective or viewpoint from which a person sees and interprets the world. We pray that high school students define themselves and their worldview through the Bible. This is important in the context of high school being the defining years of a person’s life. Our prayer is that high school student can grow in wisdom and in knowledge; and that they can begin to know themselves and God better. We pray that they can view the world from a Biblical point of view, and even defend it.
3. Friendship: Creating Godly friendships that support one another in the walk with God. (Jn 13:34,35)
We pray that through HBF, high school students can gather together and make good Christian frienships. I know that one of the ways I enjoyed God in high school was through having good Godly friendships. Having the relationship, and the accountability, and that fun with a good friend in Christ was, and still is, one of the most enjoyable things. So in HBF we understand that teenagers are social and friendship is important. We pray that HBF can be a place where any high school student, believers and nonbelievers, can come and find good Christian friendship. We pray that they don’t just look to have friends for themselves, but also seek to be a good friends to others.
The counter to this is to live the Christian life as if it were a bunch of rules and regulations to follow. Christianity isn’t a religion as much as it is a relationship. We do not want your Christian lives to become dry and stale, we pray that each HBF member grow to meet Jesus personally through Bible study and have a living and dynamic relationship with Him. This relationship is driven by knowing the love of God. It is about living our lives, every aspect of our lives, in worship to the only One that deserves it.
2. Wisdom: Cultivating right thinking and interpretation of the Bible to evaluate the world from God’s viewpoint. (Pr 9:10, 1 Pe 3:15)
What is a worldview? Basically, a worldview is a perspective or viewpoint from which a person sees and interprets the world. We pray that high school students define themselves and their worldview through the Bible. This is important in the context of high school being the defining years of a person’s life. Our prayer is that high school student can grow in wisdom and in knowledge; and that they can begin to know themselves and God better. We pray that they can view the world from a Biblical point of view, and even defend it.
3. Friendship: Creating Godly friendships that support one another in the walk with God. (Jn 13:34,35)
We pray that through HBF, high school students can gather together and make good Christian frienships. I know that one of the ways I enjoyed God in high school was through having good Godly friendships. Having the relationship, and the accountability, and that fun with a good friend in Christ was, and still is, one of the most enjoyable things. So in HBF we understand that teenagers are social and friendship is important. We pray that HBF can be a place where any high school student, believers and nonbelievers, can come and find good Christian friendship. We pray that they don’t just look to have friends for themselves, but also seek to be a good friends to others.
4. Service:
expression of love for others in action and deed as a result of taking on the
nature of holy servant hood out of a genuine love for God. (1 Pe 4:10, Luke 10)
What is service? We often think of service as a duty or perhaps even a chore. We also undertake the tasks of service with the expectation of rewarding feelings or boosts to our own self esteem. But at the core of service is a call by Jesus to love our neighbors. Are we willing to serve even when we won't feel rewarded? Can we serve people who we don't feel deserve it? Service is not some optional task. It is the very expression of our love for one another. It is ultimately taking on the nature of a selfless servant. And it all starts with understanding who served us first--Jesus Christ.
5. Discipleship: Growing in the image of Jesus for the purpose of being used by God. (Mk 3:13,14)
This core value encompasses all the other, and takes them to a deeper level. The focus of discipleship is deep Bible study for the sake of personal growth in the image of Jesus. Disciples spend time with Jesus. Growing in discipleship will require growing in all of the other core values.
What is service? We often think of service as a duty or perhaps even a chore. We also undertake the tasks of service with the expectation of rewarding feelings or boosts to our own self esteem. But at the core of service is a call by Jesus to love our neighbors. Are we willing to serve even when we won't feel rewarded? Can we serve people who we don't feel deserve it? Service is not some optional task. It is the very expression of our love for one another. It is ultimately taking on the nature of a selfless servant. And it all starts with understanding who served us first--Jesus Christ.
5. Discipleship: Growing in the image of Jesus for the purpose of being used by God. (Mk 3:13,14)
This core value encompasses all the other, and takes them to a deeper level. The focus of discipleship is deep Bible study for the sake of personal growth in the image of Jesus. Disciples spend time with Jesus. Growing in discipleship will require growing in all of the other core values.