Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thursday Night Easter Program

This Thursday we will start our Easter conference at the Leningrad. We'll gather for praise and worship, fun and games and hear Amanda Melzers message on Romans 5:1-11.

We will start promptly at 7pm. Light snacks will be provided.

Please pray for Amanda and for the entire Easter conference.

Please bring release forms and conference fees. After our program we will work on putting the final details of the conference together.

See you all Thursday!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Conference Info

A couple of things to remember:
1. Release forms: Everyone who is paint balling must turn in a liability release form. Here's a link to the form on the Phantom Ranch website:

2. What to wear for Paintball: Remember to bring layers that you wouldn't mind getting dirtied and paint balled. Paint balls can hurt if you don't wear layers. Paint balls can also leave a mark in your clothes. A long sleeve shirt with a hoody is usually good for your upper body. Sweatpants or jogging pants is usually ok for your legs.

3. What else to bring: stuff to sleep with, toiletries, and your Bible.

4. Departure time: We will be leaving from the center at 9am on Friday the 29th.

5. Conference Fees: It is $90 for the conference plus $10 additional for paint balling. Make checks payable to: "Sam Toh"

Finally, we will be meeting on Tuesday night at 7pm to prepare the final details of the conference. If you can't make it let me know.

Any questions? Leave a comment, or email

Friday, March 15, 2013

HBF Easter Conference 2013!

Key Verse: Romans 6:11
"In the same way, count  yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."

Dates: March 29th, 30th

Where: Phantom Ranch Bible Camp (

Cost: $90 (plus an additional $10 for Paint Balling) - Make checks payable to "Sam Toh"

Join High Schoolers as they get together to reflect on what Jesus has done for us. Six high school seniors will be sharing on God's word from Romans 5 and 6, and Luke 23 and 24.

There will also be plenty of fun and games, and even paint balling!

For more info email: