Saturday, March 21, 2015

HBF Easter Retreat 2015

We are excited to announce our Easter plans for 2015.

This year we will be going to the Salvation Army, Army Lake Camp and Retreat Center on April 3rd and 4th, and be back to join the united Easter worship service on Sunday.

1. This retreat is planed and prepared by high school students. It is a retreat for high school students by high school students.
2. Senior Messages. This year 4 seniors (Angelo, Miriam, Moses, Ine) are preparing to share God's word, and 1 Senior (Matt) will be sharing his life testimony.
3. Junior group Bible study leaders. Juniors will lead each of the group Bible studies
4. Gospel Key Verse presentations. Each Devotional group will be preparing and presenting the Gospel key verses in creative and meaningful ways.
5. Paintball Capture the Flag. Enough said.

Location: N8725 Army Lake Road, East Troy, WI 53120
Fee: Without Paintball: $80, With Paintball: $105 (Make checks payable to Sam Toh)
Departure: April 3rd, 2:30pm, from the church parking lot
Arrival: April 4th, 10:00pm

Prayer Topics
1. That each person encounter the Risen Christ through studying 1 Corinthians 15.
2. For HBF members to take ownership and stewardship of this retreat.
3. To keep our 2015 key verse, Joshua 1:8, and memorize and meditate on the Gospel key verses.

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